Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dinner at Wagamamas

Just like the old days in London, tonight we celebrated at Wagamamas, perched out on the edge of the harbour at Queens Wharf. Same great food, edamame, katsu curry, raw juice. What has changed in the last 6 years since I last went to one of these great noodle bars is that we now have 2.8 children making swords out of chopsticks and dropping their noodles all over the floor, smearing the windows with fizzy sticky fingers. Also different was the fact we have eaten and are back home in PJs tucked up by 8.12 pm.

6 years ago, or longer. Time goes by. Am a bit nostalgic all round tonight as am on the eve of my 35th birthday. Might be time to invest in a skin care routine and some of that anti wrinkle night paste that's made out of sheep placentas. My eyesight has already gone (been wearing nana specs for 27 years now). I'm not even going to mention my bunions, except to the saleslady in the Kumfs shop. Its probably nearly time to decide what I'm going to do when I grow up.

Perhaps I'm being a little dramatic. Big Brother has been scaring me all day by running around the house screeching in a horrible high pitched voice 'WE'RE GONNA LIVE !' then in the low pitch 'WE"RE GONNA DIE', over and over again. (No idea where he picked that line up, except he's got it a bit wrong and says 'we're gonna lift' - 'we're gonna die'.)

Still, I suppose he is right. Cancel the placenta order, who cares how old I look as long as I'm laughing. No use getting all 'agey' about it now. Heres to the next 35 years of lift-ing.

Monday, November 16, 2009

19 days til baby due list.

Funny how life slips into a routine and the days fly by. Especially when you go to bed at 7.30 pm and get up at 7am, and hopefully fit in a couple of hours quality rest in the afternoon. In my eighth month of pregnancy, this is my main aim - banking sleep.

And of course, completing the jobs on my lists. I hit my stride with the 33 days til baby list - 33 tasks for each myself and my delighted husband. We are now onto the 19 days til baby due list and things are surprisingly getting done faster than expected!

Baby clothes washed, bassinette organised, bag packed incase required for dash to hospital.
New bed built and shelves painted to go into the garden shed (perhaps not quite so critical in terms of a newborn but while I'm nagging about everything else I may as well go to town! Amazing how few people will argue with a woman with a belly like a basketball).

Theres been a few other less than critical jobs to complete - like rolling up the towels to go into the bathroom basket so they look like the ones in hotel toilets. Again dont mess with the pregnant crazy lady - my friends are coming back in a month to see how tidy they are then.

Positive birthing thoughts have been posted on the fridge. This is so everytime I reach for the milk for a cuppa I can think 'The pain has a positive outcome'. Or when diving in for the tomato sauce 'I will be able to surrender to the pain of giving birth'. 'My body is perfectly build for giving birth' - especially when fueled by those late night chocolate raids.

They call it a delicate time but there is also a certain ferocity in my preparations.