Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Sweet and so soon forgotten

These are the smallest memories I will forget as the boys grow older:

Big brother at nearly 3 and Little brother at just 1, sitting in the trailer with their helmets on, little brother sound asleep after a 10 minute ride, snot pouring over his top lip, helmet fallen to one side and squishing the side of his face. Big brother is sitting beside him, sucking his ever-present thumb, and holding onto his sleeping brothers ear.

Biking along the road I hear Big brother yell indignantly - ' I want to hold (Little Brother's) hand'.

Big brother kneeling on the floor, with his toy cars on the couch, play acting -
'Talk to me Lightning Daqueen'
'No No No, I am Fred'

'Watch out for the sharks, Arrh Arrh, they biting my foot !!!'

Little Brother's Toy of the Day - yesterday was the wine pump, today an old DVD (the most fascinating part being the little hole in the centre to poke your finger through, which comes standard). Each is transported to a distant region of the house, oohed and aahed over, then dropped and forgotten. And in the case of the little paddlle that goes in the bread maker, never to be seen again.

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