Sunday, February 22, 2009

Happy new Blog

Hi there, long time no blog.....let me tell you a little story...

Once upon a time everything was going along peachily, and we all lived in a fairytale town with a great beach and free movies. We had lovely friends and ordered wine by the case from scenic cellars. We had two delicious children and life seemed perfect. Except of course, that nothing is ever permanent and even princesses and princes cop their share of well...challenges and changes.

So, what happened to the heroes of this fairytale? So far, they left town 3 days ago in search of other opportunities, taking their two handsome princes, a truck full of belongings and a collection of life long friends. Presently they are residing beside a beautiful lake, carving boats out of pumice and eating a lot of blackberries. And they still have two delicious children and live really close to scenic cellars now so still manage a few too many good bottles of vino. They are looking for new jobs and a new house. They are reinventing themselves and I hope you continue to follow their journey... they will try and share it with you once more.

(Not anywhere near) The End


GoMummyJo said...

...and the villagers were all sad that the family had exited the shire, however at the sametime, happy for them and intrigued as to where their adventures would take them. Mmmwah xx Big hugs to you all and kisses especially for 'More W' and the Foo man xx Miss you all.

Anonymous said...

So, you fairy godmother you, where are thee scenic cellars? direct me to them at once!
P.S. Mum wants to know, not me.