Thursday, July 16, 2009

Girl or boy? - No, Dragon

Living in this new house seems to be having a strange effect on us.

I am obsessed with cooking. Well, actually with eating. You would be too if you had a functional kitchen complete with Friand trays (no intention of using them) and a pasta maker (on the list to-do). The woman that owns this kitchen is my hero. I am driven out of bed these days by hunger and it's been a case of banana muffins for breakfast, fresh bread for morning tea, soup for lunch, and slow cooker creation for dinner. With occasional scones in between.

Its no surprise then baby is growing well and hit 20 week mark with all limbs flying. It is a mover and shaker and would hardly lie still for the scan yesterday. I took the boys to see the 'movie of the baby' and they were fascinated. Big Brother proclaimed ' Look - its a dragon'. When he saw the red and yellow colours of blood pumping he added 'Its breathing fire!' The thought of having a dragon for a sibling has definitely raised his interest in the whole affair.

Little Brother still calls it Poop-poop. I think the sonographer is likely to remember us in a few months time when she hears in the news about a woman who gave birth to a dragon named Poop-poop.

Rather strangely also is the undeniable fact Big Brother has grown a tail. Its rather grey and mouse-like but he assures me it actually is a tiger's tail. He wears it day and night, and out around town. He gets a few strange looks from boring adults who have forgotten how liberating it is to have an imagination, but the kids think its cool. 'Look, he's got a tail' one boy called out. BB turned around and roared his best tiger roar. Respect.

Perhaps as the mother of a tiger I shouldn't be surprised when at the moment of birth the midwife exclaims ' well done - its a, its a ....dragon'.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

THERE you are! i lost you but now you are found. i LOVE your blog and am so happy to hear of your adventures. you are even inspiring me to blog again. but i don't think i shall. (feel too guilty about not updating often enough that's all.......)
wow cool. congrats on your new pregnancy!!!
love to the family
xxxooo rachel