Friday, January 15, 2010

Grumpy Mum

Day 5 solo and I am hitting the wall. Frustrations are running high, not helped by a stinking southerly flinging rain against the windows. We are indoors, heating on, grumpy mum syndrome.
Luckily we were saved by a visit from my friend and her two lads, so at least have had a morning of adult conversations punctuated with meeting the demands of two breastfeeding babies, and three blonde boys with high energy. I actually got the giggles at one stage, - I was throwing food at the three boys sitting at the table, my friend jiggling the buggy with one baby in it while the other one lay kicking amongst a sea of train tracks. We were both also standing up, eating lunch. Five children! How things have changed from our days of boozy lunches at the Otago Student Union.
But grumpiness aside, its been a good week. And luckily Dad will be home the next two days to boss around and share the load. There's always next week to practise at coping!

1 comment:

Laurie Celia said...

You can do it FAG! Do you need the Nanny Extraordinaire? If so, just wait till I'm back from Kawau... No more abandoned teas sitting in the microwave!!