Sunday, September 19, 2010

Life is a Drama

As the school term draws to a close, a few details of Big Brothers school life are starting to dribble down. Its production week next week, and they are doing Aladdin and his Wonderful Lamp.
We asked who he was in the show.
'I'm a fruit seller'
'And do you have any lines?'
Pause. Pained look of concentration. Inspiration hits:
'So you are a fruit seller?' I asked a little confused
'No, those are Hamish's lines!'
I can't wait to see him on stage. I hope he remembers what he's selling and doing, but one thing is for sure, it will be hilarious.

Meanwhile baby girl is pulling herself up to stand at the furniture. She is also standing independently for a couple of seconds (until she realises how clever she is). I have forgotten how fast this 6 months goes - from a baby in arms, to sitting, then crawling, standing and soon, running away from me. She is less a baby and more one of the kids everyday. The other day the boys raced off into their room and closed the door, not realising she was following at stop quadripedal speed. As the door closed she let rip with a howl that nearly flattened the house. I opened the door and Flick, off went the noise and into the room she trip-tropped. She will not be ignored or left behind. She has truely claimed her place in this family and it will not be at the bottom of the pecking order.

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