Thursday, May 19, 2011

Four year olds

Little Brother is not so little any more. We just celebrated his 4th birthday in style, with 15 children invited to Knights, Dragons and Princesses Party. The boys spent months planning the decorations, and by the time the actual party came he had changed his mind - He wanted to be a saber tooth tiger, not a knight, no princesses were allowed to come (well, perhaps, he said, only bad princesses!) and no-one was allowed to dress up. He relented when he opened his first present of the day which happened to be a knights outfit complete with enormous sword.
It was his first real party, last few years we've had just had cake with a couple of kids called in the last minute - the rent a crowd type birthday - so he was quite overwhelmed with the presents - 'More Presents!' He kept exclaiming ' But I've got enough presents! I don't need any more!'
He is a man with his own mind these days, and its a wonderful thing to behold as he develops the language to share his complex and unique thought processes.
His latest fascination is the troll from 3 Billy Goats Gruff, who has been given a new twist in Julia Donaldsons latest book - a very popular birthday present. The troll really wants to catch a goat and make a nice goat stew. This has caught his imagination and is now his No.1 Goal in Life. He wants a gun and bullets and has also been suggesting a trip to the library to get a book on how to make bow and arrows. I told him about his uncles farm complete with goats to shoot, and
guns to shoot them with, so he is planning his next farm holiday with major excitement..
'if the stew smells yucky, I won't eat it.' He says. 'But sometimes food smells yucky but tastes yummy, ' He continued.
This morning we a had a long conversation about pig hunting, as he was wearing his belt, which is to hold his knife and his gun in. He is definitely growing up.

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