Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Philosophers aka toddlers.

Part time toddlers, part time philosphers, my children.
I was trying to break it to them gently.
'Well, life isnt actually fair, ' I explained one day, 'sometimes things work out the way you want, and sometimes it doesn't'
Thats just the way it is...
'Yeah, ' agreed Big Brother, 'here's one I learnt at school -
Life is....' pregnant pause,'..Life.'
'THats very true, dear,' was about all I could muster in reply.

Another day -
'How old are you, Mummy?'I was asked from the back seat
'I'm thirty-six' I replied truthfully thinking, (how did i get to be so old???)
'You must be nearly dead!;' Little brother exclaimed.
I was lost for words, but luckily,-
'No, thats not that old! ' Big Brother and his lovely cousin agreed ' you might be dead when you are one hundred.'
'My great granny lived to 104!' our lovely wee cousin explained.
'Well, 'I said, taking a big breath and just diving on in there, 'no-one knows how long we might live, people can die at any age, but the important thing is to enjoy everyday with the people we love.'
Longer silence.
(Although there is a lot to look at in the way of diggers and wind turbines along seaview road).
Then the clanger.
'Why do we live, ' asked our lovely cousin who is obviously wise beyond her years, 'if we are just going to die?'
Silence. (Me, this time)
'That is such a great question' I replied (throwing it right back at you!) 'what do you think?
'Ooh, ooh, ' clambered Big Brother to keep up the existential pondering, 'I've got a really good question....(pause)...'who made God?'
Silence. Me, again.
'That is a good question?' Who do you think?'
'Well', said the wise cousin, 'I think a bit broke off from the sun, and then turned into the earth and that's where everything came from.'
Luckily, we arrived at our destination.

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