Friday, October 12, 2012

Who taught them to talk?

Four months since my last Blog! Its been a heavy few months, I'll tell you about it some time, but for now I think I'll just update the happenings of the 3 little ones...much more interesting!

I'm starting to wonder whether it was wise to teach Little Miss to talk. She is three in December, but has a worldly opinion on everyone and everything. She crinkles up her nose, and says 'NOOOOOO', or 'Dammit'.
Life is a musical with her sitting on the couch strumming her ukelele and singing at top volume ' I am NOT singing! I am NOT singing!'
She loves Knock Knock jokes but mixes up the punch lines. But you'd better laugh. She keeps dibs on her 'guys' - 'where my guys, mamma?', 'what my guys doing?'.
Driving down the road she keeps a running commentary -
'Look, a horse!' -  'No, dear, its a cow.'
'Oh. A cow... Look, another horse!' - 'No, thats another cow."
'Oh. Dammit... What's that horse's name?'
And another time driving at night, totally out of the blue, she suddenly screamed out 'WE ARE GOING TO CRASH! WE RE GOING TO CRASH! THE CAR WILL HAVE BLOOD'!'

Little Brother is another thinker with a expanding vocabulary to match his imagination. In the school production programme he had been interviewed and when asked what he wanted to be when he grows up he replied - 'A ninja'. After the show finished I asked the boys if they were going to be actors when they grew up - 'No,' he said, ' I'm going to be a really really really (pause, he has the family pause) - FAT ninja.'
Then the other night he sidled up to me at a family dinner party and sat down. He looked pleased with himself.
'Mum,' he said, ' I have worked out the 10 steps to become a Ninja.'
'Great', I said, 'shall I write them down so we don't forget?'
Here they are - for your information -
Step 1. Meditate
2. Train (high kicks, kicks and weight lifting)
3. Get a belt ( the lips of your enemies)
4. Get a uniform with a hood (goes over your mouth)
5. Draw a picture on your tummy
6. Colour it in
7. Try and get a power
8. Get a weapon
9. First, get a normal weapon. (probably, a sword). (or poison, like the green ninja)
10. Colour in your helmet, tummy and your whole thing.

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