Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Hungry-kini Dilemma

I obviously have not had anything interesting to say, or think lately because the last time I blogged was March ! MARCH? My picolini's have spouted a-plenty of cute and world changing intelligent pithy commentaries during that time but I have been missing documenting them. Gone, they have - (I'm practicing talking like Yoda because I find the boys listen to me more when I talk like him, "Shoes, put on your", or Your teeth, you must clean").
Well, now it's the end of May, and here's a thought  - I have recently been contemplating the cultural and social implications of  whether or not I can pour this body that has given birth to 3 children and knows it, into a hungry-kini. And then go out in public. Well, at least, into the surf at the beach.
 Being in a climate where it is possible to just wear a hungry-kini and be warm as toast leads itself to the question - just because you can, should you?
Am I really OK with the thought of the citizens of this beach seeing my barely covered birthday suit?
No matter how cute the suit, how flowery the kini, are people looking at the expansive pasty skin or do they only see the strategically placed bits of material? I mean, is there anyone even looking?
Do I need to look like the bombshell surf board toting bleached babes to feel happy with my body, flomps and all?
And now I have had a few days to think about it , the answer is well, why not? I worked hard for this stretched and sucked on body, I have devoted nearly eight years of my life to the production, extradition and nutritional support my three children, and yes that has taken a toll on my collagen, my ability to jump up and down with confidence, my self awareness.  Gone, the perkiness has.
However, as I man my hungry-kini and head down onto the beach, I find it is proudly done.
And it helps we are thousands of miles away from anyone we know.

(Other interesting discoveries this climate have lead to include the fact that the way that my belly flomps over the top of said hungry-kini when I sit down makes it possible to belly type on an Ipad.)

"Hungry-kini " - describes the phenomenon which occurs when wearing a bikini while surfing, wherein a significant portion of the material gets eaten by the space between your buttocks.

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