Wednesday, June 11, 2008


My girlee type hormones were completely overpowered today - by a 3year old, a 2year old and a 1 year old boyfest.

Our friend J came around to play, after a week of separation they took no time getting down to business, dividing the coolest cars into mine and yours (the 1 year old missed out completely, but happily was unaware of this great travesty and went back to kicking his ball around the house.) Luckily there are 2 green cars, so we negotiated one each, and off they zoomed.

They drove the cars around the couch, they rode the bikes round the back of the house, they played in the hut constructed of chairs and duvets. They ate afternoon tea, and smashed their food into the window. They wrestled and both gave as good as they got (except for total low point of WG biting J on the hand. It is horrible to realise that my darling child could do such a thing, ok it is within the realms of 'normal bad behaviour', but still.. am busily consulting parenting advice sites and mags - I don't want people to think he's a "biter".)

The thing I really noticed today was they are starting to work as a team. J backed up WG when I accused him of jumping on the couch I had just told them was for sitting on only (Crazy rule perhaps , but I am trying to retain some small household spaces for adult enjoyment).
'He was sitting on it" J said.
They exchanged a look that said ' if we work together we could really get a few past these adults' - they were found hiding around the corner on the deck, scoffing pretzel sticks from a tin that had been sitting on the bench. Looking both guilty and excited about their daring at managing to pull off their first kitchen raid.

Now they are starting to combine their considerable intellects, and appetites of mischief we are all in trouble. They are basically turning into their Dad's. Those predictions their parents had of 'one day you will have a child just like you...' are all coming true.

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