Monday, August 11, 2008

Like all well evolved predators...

..they hunt in packs.

They assess the weaknesses in their prey and adjust tactics accordingly.

And yes I do mean my children.

I am being exploited for my pink disability.

Little brother will not lie still to let me change his bottom. I am just waiting to get a whole heap of smelly stuff down my cast and then have to put up with it for 3 more weeks. He lies still for our lovely home help lady, I notice. And I also notice he tends to drop 'em when I am alone and vulnerable.

Big brother is more subtle. He knows when to ask for some Thomas the tank engine on tv - just after he has stirred us all up into a frenzy.

This morning I had them cleaning their teeth in the bathroom while I showered - I just got myself sorted washing my hair with one hand while holding up the pink arm. It was carefully encased in a rubber glove (they remind me of the ones the Agriculture boys from Massey would wear to the pub when they visited our University).
Showering away.
And then i hear ' I need to do pooos!'.

Like all well evolved predators their timing is perfect.

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