Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beware of the Dog

Little Brother is obsessed with them, and Big Brother has up until now been petrified of man's best furry friend.

I think it started for BB on his first docking expedition, where he experienced firsthand the pandemonium of sheep, dogs, noise, mud and motorbikes. Spot at the Farm books were just no preparation for the real thing. The farm dogs are a long way on the scari-ometer from any miniature rat like poochy he's seen in a handbag in town. And it probably didn't help his slightly older boy cousin is a natural farmer who draughts the pet lambs for fun and was in the docking pen tackling everything that baa'ed. My wee towny child had no idea what was going on, and refused to get off the motorbike. For hours.
But that was a year or so ago. He's made great improvement and will now reach out to pat a friendly pooch. On the tail.
But isn't if just ironic that the first time he decides to 'Feel the fear and do it anyway' he strides bravely up to the fence and reaches out his tender little hand to pat a friendly pit bull terrier!
He also seems drawn to dobermans. All that positive reinforcement of Dogs being Lovely seems to be coming back to bite me. I hope that I am the only one thats ever bitten!

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