Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Time for a perk up

I'm over being a glum bum. I am looking for the exit sign off this submarine. I have been down and now I want up. And here are some thoughts on how I am hoping to achieve and maintain this:

1. Eyebrows and legs waxed...check. Toes waxed (theres a first time for everything, says mrs hobbit). Booked in for a 'kini but have to give myself 6 weeks to work up the courage. Also planning purchase of cosmetics. All very superficial but very effective.

2. Hand me ups.
Thanks to my darling southern clothes angel fairies I have a new wardrobe and dammit I am going to look good. And, all the point, feel good. When the budget doesnt stretch, there is nothing down about a gift of lovely clothes from a friend (or a bargain at the local oppie). Hand me Hand Me Ups anytime, and see me perk.

3. Inspirational reading
Loved 'A gift from the sea' (Anne Morrow Lindberg) from my lovely mother-in-law. A parcel from my book angel fairy accompanied by a box of homemade chocolate slice (The Guernsey Literary Potato Peel Society, by Mary Ann Shaffer). 'A New Earth', by Eckhart Tolle. Lovely texts and emails from friends.

4. Opting for walks to a friends house for a cuppa rather than folding the washing and picking up the toys. Opting to play with the boys in their hut, or join in the water play rather than bemoaning yet another destroyed room, or another set of wet clothes.

5. Fristas
Enjoying my friends and sisters. By phone or on special days celebrating with a wet lunch - sharing a bottle of bubbly while the kids eat jam sammies.

6. Achieve a long cherished dream.
(I sent my completed childrens book manuscript to a competition. What a blast!)

All I need now is to keep a mental map of how to get my perkiness back should I lose my way ( which is highly likely). Wish me luck!

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