Monday, January 31, 2011

Happy new year, and happy easter

In case I don't get around to sending Easter greetings, I am adopting the most efficient method and sending out my best wishes now. Those on the Christmas card list may receive the card I wrote in December sometime around April so please backdate any information as pertaining to the 2010 year. As for those who kindly gave us a Congratulations on your new daughter present (Dec 2009), your Thank you note is included in your Christmas card that may or may not,as I said, arrive. In Easter.
So much for all the resolutions. The main resolution I made this year is To Blog. Weekly.
There was also a few other half hashed resolves - No purchasing without premeditation, Wear more dresses (and Peta Mathias says a woman over thirty should NOT leave the house without lipstick), Get all tax returns in on time, and one rash Christmas day decision to only ever drink Moet. Sadly for the champagne/lipstick industry, those have faded like the fizzy from an open bottle of Lindauer.
There is something about a New Year that makes you want to up your game. And read self improvement books. As a very-happy-to-be-at-home-mother, I am resolving to enjoy my blessed life and revel in the chaos and challenge.
(Something about reading self improvement books that make you suddenly start spouting conversation like 'I'm resolving to embrace the now')

Top books read this New Year
You Sexy Mother, by Jodie Hedley-Ward
Don't sweat the small stuff, and its all small stuff, by Richard Carlson
Crucial Confrontations, by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan and Al Switzler
Rework - change the way you work forever, by Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson
and next I'm working myself up for Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert T. Kiyosaki (The byline is very enticing : "what the rich teach their kids about money that the poor and middle class do not")

Meanwhile my babies are delightful and well, not really babies any more.

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