Friday, February 4, 2011

Mother's Little Habits

One of the joyful mothering habits that I am trying to break at the moment is eating up children's leftovers. It started with my first baby - I happen to really like stewed apple and banana mushed up with avocado.
Now there are 3 plates of scraps at every meal. What a waste! Luckily the boys eat quite well and if you've ever seen our daughter eat, you'd be saying, what scraps? She has a wonderful appetite, and combined with her independent nature she likes to work her way through using spoon, fork or fingers to ingest everything she can lay her hands on.
We are actually looking for something that she will refuse to eat - but we havent yet discovered it - she has happily consumed blue cheese, a mild curry, drunken prunes (marinated in red wine), and artichoke hearts. Lettuce she gives a suck on for a while then tends to discard it with a look of 'whats the point?'.
She keeps a very good eye on the boys meals to check they aren't getting any special tidbits, and usually is watching me like a hawk in the kitchen as I open the fridge. 'Ta?Ta?TA?'
If she eventually does become full, she lets fly - the crusts, the scraps, the porridge and spoon and the plates - all gets the overarm treatment.
Which is why the other day I found myself under the dining table picking up scraps - before I could stop myself I popped that wafer thin slice of cupcake into my mouth, followed by a piece of orange lego !
Yep, its definitely time to break that particular habit.

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