Thursday, May 10, 2012

5year olds know it all

'Mum, you are not the boss of the world' says our newly minted five year old, just randomly needed to inform me over his egg and bacon pie. (Well, I guess that's what happens when you turn five and start school - three days into education for the masses and suddenly you know it all) - he continued: 'Mary is'. 'Do you mean Mary the mother on Jesus? ' I asked, incase he was meaning my friend Mary (who is admittedly an amazing woman). 'Mary is Jesus's mum. She is the boss of the world, even the boss of God.' he said, all with an air of finality that could only mean he had had his first religious education class. That's that myth blown, I thought, only tooth fairy, Santa and the 'fact' that the television only works on rainy days to go. He's taken to school like a duck to water - 'I love school, ' was this morning's report -' You get to play on the play ground TWO times every day. Its not dumb like he (indicating Big Brother) said' (Big brother immediately denied all knowledge, which shows he's not been wasting his near on 2 years in the education system, having at least learned the who,me?never face). It's been a big week for the new school boy- a birthday dinner with grandad and his cousins followed by a play centre leaving party then a Tranformers and Mice Party for 14 friends. He requested a ninja base gingerbread cake with flying ninja bread men all over it (And he actually got one, so maybe his mother is a bit of a miracle woman after all?). He also fulfilled a personal dream - to be Lego-rich. (thanks to bulk lot on Trademe). With all the celebrating and construction I told myself he'd be far too tired to actually start school until at least a week after his actual birthday. 'Are you happy' I asked him one night mid party season. 'I'm as happy as a gimbutt, he said. He's learned so much he's now making up his own vocabulary. Gimbutt- defn. As happy as a five year old in possession of a wristwatch, a thirst for knowledge, an edible ninja hideout and 6.6 kegs of Lego who has just discovered his mother isn't the most powerful person in the universe after all.

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