Monday, May 21, 2012

I drawing guns!

I drawing guns! she cries, all two and half years old, head bent over the orange felt tips, dribbling onto her abstract spotlike weaponry.
'Guns. GUNS! Fight.FIGHT! Men. Aeroplane. YES!OH! I DO MORE GUNS'
Two things sprung into my head listening to this soliloquy- firstly the realisation she is not a baby any more. She's a young lady, who likes wearing her plastic princess heels while on the trampoline.
She's a intellectual sponge, collecting all the language she hears, storing it in that super-computer toddler brain of hers and then stunning us all by pronouncing it wrong at the appropriate moment.
She's a copycat, primariy of her brothers (especially when if comes to her chosen art subjects) - so much so if she lived in another part of the world she'd probably be a fully paid up member of the NRA.
She's physically more person-like - her previously squidgey babyfat legs are now covered in a not-so-fine layer of dark hairs. 
She likes what she likes - copying the boys play, driving the dolls around in pushchairs, cooking with mum and wrestling with Dad. She also likes to sing grace at dinner, washing floors, and chatting.
She's a member of generation-i. This is most evident in her potty training - she'll only plant that butt and perform if she gets her hands on the iphone at the same time. 'Want play FRIV' she demands sitting at the iMac. She swipes the pages of a glossy magazine and says - Ipad - broken!'
(I have a spasm of fear - what is the world going to look like when she's in charge - will it be full of pocket supercomputers, and guns that look like orange spots?)
Which brings me to the second thing I am reminded of. On a page in Pennie Brownlee's website are two handwritten posters. Both gentle reminders to parents.  One says 'Do Not Disturb, I am about the sacred task of playing, i.e. I am unfolding my genius within' (which makes me feel reassured the gun battle is just another day at play). The second poster points at me and reads 'YOU are the model of emotional nurturing and trust'. (Which reminds me to a. rolemodel the person I want her to become, and b. cancel my NRA membership).


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