Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Slippers, time slippage and portals of thought that grow gnarly like the trees of the ancients

There isn't much of a differentiation between the nights and days in our bubble, perhaps only a gentle slip from night time slippers into day time slippers. I no longer need a watch, I just look at my feet to find out all the information I need to lead my life.
Time has been slipping all around me, here we are at a month? A month of what? A month of this. Who remembers anything except the first horror filled push over the top of day one as we stocked our toilet roll holders to maximum capacity and counted our blessings in grains of rice and kilograms of chocolate. I wish I'd bought a spa pool to slosh around in drinking gins, but there you have it. No regerts or reverse loops in this time slip allowed. Its against the game rules of this global tardus.
The big push has faded, and memories seem to blow themselves out into extended warps with all the cooking fading into one meal, all the walks have become one long puff uphill,  all the days and slipper changes flick through my mind in an endless rollodex. Now, a month in and at least three weeks likely more, we walk in circles around no man's land. When I work I try and engage an upbeat enthusiasm, I mean who doesnt love passing the yawning jaws of time with a few lunge squats? Of course these are work appropriate bed foot wear on zoom! Anything goes from the waist down.
I also pass time as a part time teacher which I can now muster concentration to achieve for a good 7-8 minutes a day per child. After that they are on their own, or I'm at C.I.L.L. level. Today I made Room One stop listening to DnD podcasts and check into his google classroom to see if there is any work, tick for Mrs Mum, I suggested that Room 2 consult google for how to install scipad, or at last resort, ask his actual teacher a question through online chat, another tick. Biggest tick went to the hard working teacher of Classroom 3, yep that unflappable Mrs Mum, who assisted the resident filmmaker to learn how to reverse a video we'd made. Then I suggested some class stabbing (it's called needle felting in the art world) but then it looked so satifying I confiscated it for myself and downloaded then subscribed to a piano learning app which I did absolutely no research on. Go Mrs Mum. Two hours later she is still on the piano lessons and I am sharing my stabbing equipment with the students in Room 1 and 2.
When I'm not in the eternal moment, I can't really fathom how the time has passed but I suspect I've been sucked through a portal. (Dr Who is of course Whaea J-Cindy and the tardus is this lovely bubble I dare not pop for risk of Death of myself and those around me.) Oh, actually, I recall some gardening blobs. And a bit of telly time.
Did you know, class, that I love portals? Not counting the upstairs for thinkin holy trinity of self doubt, reliving stupid arguments with husband, or planning next food and drink consumption, I spend most of my upstairs thinking dreaming of portals. Tree portals are my current fav mode of transportal (as my sisters with blisters found out last tramping holiday and yes there are heaps of potential portals in Waikaremoana, the ancient beauty that she is). Books are my most used portal. The bath another. I did a few years in a time distorting cave, but you can read about that one day another publication I hope.
Anyhoo, I forgot where I was going with all that. See how useful portals are? They just take you somewhere like. surprise! If I could choose a portal right now I dont think I'd chose to fast forward three weeks. This is a tunnel with a pinprick of light. And I'm not sure if I want to know how bad the world will be hurting when we emerge into the land of shoes that you wear out of the property. In three weeks time we might have a concert pianist in the family or a lot of key shaped firewood. Meanwhile I'll bid you Congratulations for making it this far, players one to five million and Kia Kaha for the next three weeks. I will parole the perimeter and keep checking the tree trunks on the property. I might find what I'm hoping for - that portal into a bar that's open and serving beers and chips to all my friends and family while we hug and dance.

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