Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pucker up

Since I last blogged out my wee baby has learnt to do real kisses. It's so sweet, with his mouth wide open, drooling dinner and a raisin he found on the floor, he leans forward to deliver the smooch bang on your lips, or eyebrow or nose or whatever he hits. And then he pulls away looking like a man who's just worked out the secret to life.

His personality is really coming out now - he is his own pint sized man. He's firmly in the peace keeping force of newly one year, still a long way from the self-centred war zone of the two year old. He's quite happy to go along with the flow, doing what I suggest as if it were the coolest idea in the world. These days are certainly numbered, but they are a pleasure.

'Time for a bath' - I say, and he wheels around and trots off down the hallway, looking for any items to hurl into the bubbles ( cell phones, shoes, toy trains).
'Time for afternoon tea' - I say, and he's there beside the high chair, trying to clamber up.
'Lets go for a walk in the buggy' - and he's over to the door, looking for shoes (any size does) to pull onto his little feet.

Despite this he is no angel, the concept of doing something that is naughty is already in his temperament. He pushes the pegs down through the slots in the deck and looks up at me, a little awed at his daring. He runs up to his brother and grabs him from behind, trying to instigate a wrestle. If I (or any of the Mum's at Play centre) are kneeling on the floor he runs up behind and tries to climb up. While giggling. He has a wicked giggle.

But those kisses could melt a polar ice cap. I'm tempted to ask him for them all the time, but what if he only has a finite number - the more I have now, the less he'll have left when he's thirteen? Sigh. Even if he does have some left when he is a teenager I am not likely to be the lucky recipient, so I'm going for my quota today and now. They are love at it's purest and my antidote of choice for anything the world may throw me.

Quotes from W.George
'Its a beautiful day today, Mummy' (as we run to the car in the rain, cold and driving wind).

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