Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Wonderful Creatures

Older boy cousins are wonderful creatures. So are all cousins. These boys are not short of cousins - in total they have 30 !! They have older girl cousins that dote on the babies, younger girl cousins to be dressed up and bossed around by, teenage boy cousins that make incredible train tracks. Unfortunately none of them live close by, but visits are treasured adventures into the land of extended family frolics. Cousins seem to stimulate production of a particular gene or pheromone that allows our brains to interpret and process them as 'like a brother/sister, but more fun and not as threatening to our status in the pecking order'.

Also, when cousins come to visit they are on 'good behaviour' and tend to be kinder than immediate siblings. Big brother has had a good of dose of the cousin magic this weekend. The big boys were good to him - but didn't let him get away everything. They expected him to play to their rules, share, and looked with mild disgust when he ran crying to Mummy.They rode the bikes round and round, kicked balls round and round and ran round and round. I hardly saw him for two days.

They have another ardent fan in Little Brother - and having a younger sister at home they kept an eye on him as he tried valiantly to keep up with the big boys.

All weekend, Big Brother had only one topic of conversation -
'Where the guys Mummy?'
'Are the guys coming?'
And when they went home - ' What to do now?'

However, he has bounced back into life as kingpin and ruler of the toy box. He's totally immersed back into little brother baiting, breastfeeding his fluffy lamb, and recreating the Cars movie using his collection of model cars. There is a running commentary that includes lots of 'waaah' and 'boomf' and 'watchout!'. And the occasional 'Oh, gosh'.

As life returns to normal we wait and hope for a another visit soon by more wonderful cousinly creatures.

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