Wednesday, December 2, 2009

2 days to baby due list

Reads something like this.
1. Go into labour
2. Have the baby
3. Get sore nipples
4. Enjoy the miracle of life

I have flicked the switch between happier to have the baby inside (less nappies, more sleep) to would rather it just came now, thanks. Its all to do with the sleep - I'm up and pottering around at night now, sore hips from lying in one place and microbladder are driving me out of bed so often I may as well be doing the baby things too. I want to see my knees again. I want my abdominals back, and to be able to stand up and put shoes on. But mostly I just want to tick off my list... go into labour...have baby.....get sore nipples and spend hours looking at the fruits of all my eyebrow production, and cartilage building, and just be in awe of the miracle of new life.

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