Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Nanas Buns

This was my obsession this morning so the boys and I bashed out a batch before they headed off to Play Centre. 10 mins later, sultana buns all to myself, best eaten hot out of the oven, just like I used to make with Nana Hopkirk on our special mornings together before I started school. I'd catch the bus with the other kids but get dropped off at Nanas a mile down the road. We'd bake, feed the chooks, hang the washing, all the very grown up things. This is one of my earliest memories. I wonder, did it only happen once, or was it a regular occurence?

I wonder what the boys will remember of these days in their life. Big Brother is into role playing, and gets right into character. The last couple of days he has been a dog, and refuses to answer to his name. He has bounded around the house on all fours, barking. He's definitely a more obedient canine than child, much less argumentative. The other morning at the beach he spent some time throwing sticks into the sea then fetching his mouth. He also has been a dragon, an otter, a rhino and his favourite one at Play Centre is a flamingo (he calls them maflingos). Each character is well researched, so I am fielding a stream of questions ...Do dogs chase cats and rabbits? What do otters eat? Would a brachiosaurus eat a crocodile? Do rhinos swim? We had tears the other day when he got into an argument with another 4 yr old over what noise a dragon makes when it breathes fire.

Little Brother is largely a willing sidekick in all these scenarios. He has two main points of conversation - Why? and NO! This morning as he climbed into bed with me he kissed the baby belly then said - Look! The baby's got a nose! I explained that its actually just my belly button/ turkey timer. The turkey should be cooked.

Meanwhile the baby has chosen not to be born today. I'm trying not to focus on it. When it happens it will be a memorable event for us all, I'm sure.

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