Thursday, April 17, 2008

Daylight savings for parents

Changing the clocks back used to be a time of quiet rejoicing for me. It was an opportunity to go out for a big night, then sleep knowing an extra hour was there to be slumbered through, a gift from the Gods of Govt. I am one of the best customers of the Bank of Sleep - it's the most strictly controlled aspect of my finances, every deposit and withdrawal monitored on the balance sheet.

But now I have children, and this year Daylight savings change has been hard on the bottom line. The first morning W. George was to be found bouncing along the hallway, on his moon hopper, at 4.30 am. Not a good start. A few mornings later he climbed into his brothers cot, and the two of them tried to shake the walls of the cot apart, rattling and giggling.

They have only been brothers for 11 months, but they already have a well organised system of tag team - little brother wakes on the days big brother sleeps in, or visa versa. Little brother is temporarily silenced by a visit to Mum's milk bar, but big brother launches in 'want some weetbix? with hota wata? and milt? and sugar?' or another cutey - ' GEELUP'.

My lovely husband is well aware of my sleeping requirements, and is wonderful at taking the boys for the morning shift, doing more than his fair share. But today was my turn. Little brother woke at 4am, then snoozed until 6.

Both boys were up by 6.10 and so far they have been dressed, had 2 weetbix each, toast, they've jumped on the couch, made a hut in the pop up tent, driven cars over the couch, found their man-bags (from the op shop, now living in the dress up box) and been to the shops for jam and cheese. Now they are giggling and wrestling in the tent.

It's been delightful and I wonder how much else I miss while my eyes are shut.

HOORAY FOR Playcentre - What a brilliant place to tire them out, and have an adult conversation. Playcentre is about much more though - it's a great place to learn for both kids and parents. Hooray for the parents who work so hard to keep Playcentre going. We're going to miss it over the next 2 weeks of school holidays.

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