Monday, April 21, 2008

Who's the adult?

Some days it is so hard to remember that I am the adult. When things get crazy I really feel like throwing a great big old tanty panty, leg kicking, screaming show, until I get my way. When the TV is turned off and I know I have to slink off to the misplaced paper forest that is the office, I'm tempted to just scream until an older wiser person who knows THE RULES could calmly come and lead me by the hand. Or just give me my way.

W.George was merrily sitting on the couch, driving his cars around the pillows as Campbell Live finished tonight. As John said 'Goodnight' W.G. replied pleasantly ' Goodnight, John'. And within the seconds it took me to turn off the TV, he had morphed into a top volume whingey screamer. (W.G. that is, not John Campbell.)

He was suddenly hysterical, devastated. And I was so tempted to join him. But I managed to remember my mantra : 'Who's the adult? ...I am the adult...who's the adult?....'

This evening I had both of them at me, and looking back I pushed the limit too far by not getting home until 4.50pm. I had misjudged cooking time, and spent too long chatting to friends. So by the time I had something for them too eat - they had both lost it. Cooking is not fun and downright dangerous with a toddler crawling up your trouser legs and a toddlerplus grizzling in the pantry while trying to scale the cooking goods and reach the lollies. Once dinner was devoured we had to have a team cuddle on the floor to remind ourselves we do love each other, and that there is only one Mummy to fulfill all instant requests from two Boys.

They say you forget the bad bits, as time goes by and the memories fade. I hope I forget the times that I feel totally incompetent. The times when I resent the lack of a REAL ADULT who could come and sort all this mess out, make the dinner magically appear and get everyone back to being happy. I want to forget the times I feel like an impostor, and remember the times that we have THE most fun ever.

For the low points I'll keep a sign on the fridge ' who's the adult?....I am the adult..'.

HOORAY for Kings Soup Mixes. Add 9 cups of water and boil with lots of veges all whizzed up the in blender (who has time to chop?). Hello yummy winter soups for lunch, seeya later nasty ole' sammies.

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