Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Hello and welcome on board. Has everyone got their seat belts on? Remembered to turn off the oven, hang out the washing, put your wallet and 2 spare nappies in your handbag, feed the worms, brush your own hair? Did you manage a shower this morning - Y/N? Well, never mind, now how many weetbix in total are smeared on the faces and hair of your offspring peering at you from the back seat? - I'll wait while you quickly run off and grab a wet facecloth, scrub all the faces in the backseat then throw it onto the pile of past face cloth emergencies rotting behind the driver's seat.
Okay, now, has everyone got their seat belt on .... lets go guys....

(I'd prefer a cheeky yellow sign bobbing in the back window of my car that says 'mother on board'. At least the world is then warned regarding the erratic driving, the food conveyor, and smeared windows when Im driving. That a baby is on board is perfectly fine by me, i drive safely anyway, but knowledge that the sleep deprived caffeine fueled mother with a brain clogged by a supermarket list is in control of the fast moving vehcile is, I think, a very sensible warning to all to stay well clear.)

So, here's my attempt at the blog - I'm offloading some of these motherish experiences and thoughts, why? Maybe while spending all this time wishing that the boys would grow up, that they'd go to sleep, that they'd play together, that they'd be more independent, that I had more energy, more time, less washing, more spare cash, - while Im thinking all this stuff that actually this amazing time of my life is flying by. Unless I record them, I'm gonna forget the hilarity, the cuteness, the cuddles of complete and fierce devotion, the moments of phenomenal clarity of deep and meaningful thinkings, the day to day exhiliration and despair that seems to me (in my meagre 2.5yrs experience) is what it is to be a mother.

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