Sunday, April 27, 2008

Meat 3 Vege

At times I am my own worst enemy. For example, dinner time last night. We are so lucky to have great eaters, these boys, they are M3V boys - love a bit of meat and sauce, the old spud will never die out while they are on the planet. And even the V - they will attack peas one by one, stuff a whole head of broccoli and suck it, they love carrots - cooked.

I am trying to introduce them to raw veges - the best I can do so far is slyly grate raw zucchini and carrot into food. If I give them the old carrot before dinner they tend to chew it then leave little piles of carrot pebbles around the carpet.
I am sure they will get there - Will used to do the same with apple peel - ask anyone who we've visited and they will agree they have seen me wandering around picking up bits of apple skin left behind.

But last night. I admit I am often a bit ambitious in the menu planning department. I have decided if I'm going to cook every night I might as well make it exciting and challenging for myself. I am addicted to recipe books and food magazines and am always experimenting. Which often is great, and sometimes, random, and occasionally disastrous.
Yesterday I cycled trailer boys and all across town to raid my friends INCREDIBLE coriander patch, with Roast Capsicum Sauce in mind (Annabel Langbein's Eat Fresh : Hubby has enjoyed my expeditions into this land).

The boys had pasta with this delicious sauce, nutrients oozing from it's fresh herb, garlic and peppiness. Big Brother cried and Little brother spat it out, then threw it on the floor. So BB had spaghetti and cheese, and LB chewed plain pasta and spat it out. Then had yogurt and apricots for dinner. And both of them were up at 6am, starving for their weetbix.

Our adult taste buds enjoyed the sauce, though. And tonight? Just let me get out my latest Taste Magazine....

HOORAY for Easi-Yo yogurt makers. We make the thick creamy greek yogurt and the boys power through it. Call me budget, but all those little packages seems to disappear way to quickly. And I want full fat for these boys, they are growing brain connections and nerves that rely on that bit of fatty sheath to keep those legs moving quickly.

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