Sunday, April 20, 2008

Running man

My baby is running. Only for two of three hurtling steps until he crashes into the nearest door frame, or furniture leg. But for certain, he has begun his life long search for the thrills of speed.

He has been early to walk at 11 months, but it was hardly a surprise - he has been working on mastering this skill for a while. Watching his brother rocket off has been all the inspiration he could have needed. I thought I'd better record a timeline of his physical accomplishments in the last 5 months because it astounds me that he can learn so much in what feels like a flutter of days.

Week before xmas - crawled forwards, and got the idea he could choose where he wanted to go.
4 days later - Bored of that so stood up at the couch.
Jan- Solid practising of standing up at any possible opportunity. Crawling faster.
Feb- Standing up at window. Fell out the sliding doors onto his face. Repeatedly.
Mar - Standing independently. Taking a few steps, but leaning too far forward so more like a diver than a walker. Fast crawling. By end of march was standing up at the window on top of a box. Climbing up on the couch, then onto the arm of the couch. Fell down deck steps twice onto forehead.
April - Walking, and running few steps by 3rd week. Climbing up 3 steps of a small slide, bringing his feet through then sliding down - all independently. Climbing down deck steps backwards. Kicking a ball intentionally. Throwing the tennis ball in what proud mother would call 'his first overarm bowl'.

Being a physio his development is right up my alley, but it still amazes how much he has absorbed, how efficiently he copies, and how undetered he is by the physical injuries - today he has two bruises making racetracks down his forehead.

He's so good at absorping that he is the kind of sponge that you want to have on hand when the bath overflows all the way down the hallway, except of course he would have been the one who blocked the drain in the first place then scampered off.

W. George quote of the day about his little bro: ' He's funny. He's not quite normal'

HOORAY for hot dates with your husband, and remembering that we have more in common, and more to talk about, than a business and two major-minor distractions.

1 comment:

GoMummyJo said...

Re: bruises on forehead - foundation may work to cover these, you may find some in WG's handbag, sorry, manbag! I'm loving your blog!