Sunday, April 27, 2008

Littlest room in the house

Little brother is puzzled as to what goes on the in littlest room in the house. He knows it's something exciting. Mum and Big Brother are forever racing off there, BB gets to sit on the big white chair, there's miles of paper to pull on that just keeps coming and coming. Then they sing songs, there's a great whooshy watery sound like the bath, and then Big Brother gets a small bright coloured thing to eat out of the pantry. Little Brother never gets one of these small bright coloured things, no matter how much he grizzles. Its a conspiracy against people still in nappies.

Poor little guy, he is so keen to understand whats happening. I try and keep the toilet door closed or he will be found there, decorating the place with streamers, or banging the toilet seat on the bowl. The banging gets faster and faster as he hears me coming down the hallway, calling - 'NO - hey - rascal - out of there'. He has a wicked chuckle.

I think some of our toilet training protocols must be setting Big Brother up for a life time of toilet humour. We sing 'For he's a jolly good fellow' after the event, we bribe with jelly beans, we teach him how to say .. ' was a melly and dinky one, Mummy'. He tells Dad if it was a 'clean break'.

A few months ago I was seriously worried he would be traumatised for life. He had developed his own method of climbing onto the baby seat onto his hands and feet, bending his knees and taking aim from there. He slipped, and fell in (bruised forehead and wet arm, but no lasting white chair phobia).

Apart from the collections of knickers found all over the garden and house - he still not great at getting dressed again - it is fantastic that he is toilet trained. My handbag is so roomy with only one nappy in it. And there's one less batch of nappies to scrub. Hopefully the Little guy picks up the idea from his reconnaissance trips to the smallest room in the house and trains himself!

HOORAY for kiddies toilet training pants and those squidgy seats for them to sit on. They're actually quite comfy!

W.George Quote of the Day : After finding him batting his brother around the head with a soft toy snake he was told off, sent to time out, then told to apologise, because we don't hit our brothers.
' Sorry' he said.
'Now, say : I won't do it again' I added.
He thought for a while and said 'I might do it again'.


fran oxley said...

Congrats on guiding BB to such a momentous achievement. He's a natural. I don't think Little Bro is too far off having a go himself - definitely taking interest in the porcelain bowl (must remember to clean it before he visits next!)

fran oxley said...

Congrats on guiding BB to such a momentous achievement. He's a natural. I don't think Little Bro is too far off having a go himself - definitely taking interest in the porcelain bowl (must remember to clean it before he visits next!)