Tuesday, April 8, 2008


HOORAY FOR annabel langbein and magic chocolate cake (carrot hidden inside)

SAVING THE PLANET TODAY by drinking cold and luke warm cups of tea. Only filling the jug for the number of cups needed!

from W. GEORGE - the toddler with a pottyful of presidential potential -

" I love sports " (he says trying to hit a wooden brick with a plastic stick)

"I NEED a skirt" (no explanation needed?)

"i going to get some cheese and honey" (he cycles off wearing his superman suit, a red handbag conatianing essentials such as paper money and a wooden train over the handlebars)


Unknown said...

Wow Gina you are one fantastic mum - are you married? You should get you husband to help out a bit more...

Georgina Hopkirk said...

My wonderful husband is out working so I can be a stay-at-home-blogger ! Thanks :)

GoMummyJo said...

Dear Georgina, I'd watch out for that Daniel bloke who is hitting on you, I hear he has a room full of adult movies (hehehe) - sorry, couldn't help myself.