Monday, April 14, 2008

where have all the clean clothes gone?

3 days of rain and suddenly every cloth item in the house is in one of many piles in the laundry waiting to be moved on through the labyrinth that is my washing system.

Today I spent an hour :
1.clearing the hot water cupboard of clothes into drawers,
2. folding and putting dampish washing into cleared cupboard,
3. hanging damper clothes off line to over fire drying rack (which had to be set up for the winter, over a fire that had to be lit and made safe with the fireguard - all of which had to be located in the shed), then
4. hanging 2 more loads of clean washing onto the line, then
5. putting one more load into the wash (which oops is still in the machine).

If you think that was boring to read, then imagine actually doing it! All the time fishing an inquisitive 11 month old out of the fire place (got his head stuck, lucky hadn't lit it yet), out of the hottie cupboard, out of the rain in his socks, out of the pegs (he likes poking them down through the slats of the deck). He also likes to grab a few newly washed pairs of undies out of the clean pile and race off, sucking them! Did I mention he likes to put toys in the dryer and turn it on?

Of all the domestic chores that seem to come with motherhood, washing is my burden. Folding and putting back into the room seems to be the point of most resistance. I end up with a visiting mountain of dry washing hogging the couch pretending to watch the TV. Wish it would make itself useful and fold itself - or at least babysit so I could go for a night out. In my beautifully clean clothes.

HOORAY for iron free zones like my house!

W. George Quote : when asked what he wanted to bake? - 'some pink cakes'. (They were delicious too.)

1 comment:

GoMummyJo said...

We are sooooo on the same page arent' we! Hehehe. Oh, and yes, the pink cakes were yummy!